Monday, March 8, 2010

Dumpster Diving

So last night I went dumpter diving. Why, you ask. For fun of course. No for real though, my husband and I had borrowed two DVD's from a friend, and we were heading out to walk down to her house to give them back. As we were walking out, we decided we might as well take out the trash. I had a milk carton and cereal box in one hand, and the movies in the other. After dumping out the trash, Hubby and I started our walk to our friend's house. I realized shortly after that we had forgotten the movies. We ran in the house and looked everywhere, but we couldn't find them. I then realized that it was a possibility that I threw them away. So I grabbed some running pants to put over the ones I was wearing, just in case I had to dive, and we walked out to the dumpter. Hubby spotted the first movie after leaning over the side of the dumpter and moving a box out of the way. He was ready to jump in, but I told him it wouldn't be fair since I was the one that threw them in in the first place. So, he helped me into the dumpster where I spent about 5 min or more fishing through all of our free flowing gross trash, other's gross trash, and diapers. Yes, yes, there were diapers EVERYWHERE! Where we live, almost all of our neighbors have babies, so there were plenty of free hanging diapers for me to step on a push to the side. Eventually, I found the other movie and then proceeded to scrub myself down mercilessly in the shower. I still want to barf thinking about it. It was funny though :). Have any of you had to dumpter dive? What's your story, or am I alone in this feat?


  1. LOL! Thats so funny! I'm not sure if I have ever had to do that, I'm sure I have because it's so like me to do something like that! But I can't think of any incidents off the top of my head! Great story!

  2. That is disgusting! You poor thing :) I'm glad it ended well though. I had to "dumpster dive" at my middle school after I threw my retainer out with the remainder of my lunch. GROSS!! Good news: I found it and didn't have to pay $100 for a new one. But it was definitely DISGUSTING. Sorry you had to deal with the diapers! :) Oh, and did you get the invite to my shower this Saturday?

  3. I got all excited when I saw the post that you 'dumpster dive'..thinking you were finding cute treasures and things we can reupholster and then (THE HORROR!) you wrote about the diapers and I realized that it wasn't a FUN dumpster dive, but a gross one. That is sad! Your first DD experience should have resulted in a hidden treasure!

  4. i know seriously! i wish i found some treasure for us to save, but sadly all i found was poop. not the type of treasure i had in mind, at least not for a whileeee. maybe next!

  5. I found your blog after I found you on facebook (this officially makes me creepy) but I've totally been dumpster diving, mine was a cardboard only dumpster though, and we went in to find boxes to use to move. Your story is tons better.
